Campus News Headlines: Union College Participates in Lincoln, Nebraska Peacemaking (and More!)
Union College to Participate in 10,000 Acts of Peace. Students from Union College’s Amnesty/Tiny Hands International Club will be in downtown Lincoln on April 3 to join the 10,000 Acts of Peace rally. “The event, sponsored by the Interfaith Peacemaking Coalition, will celebrate 30 years of peacemaking in Lincoln.” Participants will listen to keynote speakers and live music as they are encouraged to spread acts of kindness and peace in their own community. Read more here.
Newbold College Introduces New Master of Arts in Leadership Program. Newbold College in England has announced a new masters program that will begin June 2016. The program is “ideal for those in full-time professional employment, including pastors, Church administrators, business managers, education leaders, and more.” It can be completed part-time over three years with intensive sessions and flexible online exchanges. Newbold College will be providing the program in conjunction with Andrew University. More on that story here.
La Sierra University Announces First Robotics Summer Camp. Children ages 9 and up are invited to participate in “hands-on activities that teach robotics, computer programming, electronics, and analytical thinking” at La Sierra University. Robotics Summer Camp is scheduled from June 13 – 24. The camp registration fee is $80 and includes an Arduino kit that participants will use to build their robots, giving them each first-hand experience with electronics and robotics. More here.
Avondale Business School Study Finds a Lack of Interest in Leadership Roles. A study conducted by Avondale’s Business School found that “[f]ewer teachers are willing to accept or even apply for leadership positions in Seventh-day Adventist schools.” The study revealed that 64.5 percent of Adventist Schools Australia employees are not interested in applying for leadership positions. The lack of interest comes from the perception that having a leadership role creates an unwanted imbalance in work/personal life. Female teachers also voiced “the gender bias of current leadership as a strong deterrent, a factor that was largely dismissed by the males.” More from Avondale College here.
WWU’s Engineers Without Borders Continue to Fundraise for Peru Project. Walla Walla University’s student chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-WWU) held its annual fundraising gala at the end of February. “Proceeds from the gala will support the EWB-WWU project in Japura, Peru, which will bring electricity to the village that sits at 13,300 feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains.” The goal is to raise $60,000 in order to complete the project by this summer. The gala alone raised $23,321. Get more details here.
Hallie Anderson is a student intern for Spectrum and a senior communications student studying journalism and public relations at Walla Walla University.
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