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Philosophy Matters: Society of Adventist Philosophers Call for Papers


Dear Alexander, I just received Volume 51 of Spectrum and have read the amazing and insightful article by Abi Doukhan on the “givenness” of God—“Receiving vs. Grasping.” Reading it brought nurture to my soul. The God who gives and just invites me to receive, and never tires of doing that, is constantly at work. It brings me an indescribable peace, in which I can rest and trust God. Anxieties are gone. Hunger for power is gone. Nights and days, pains and pleasures, tears and smiles are all components of a life in which God is the caring Giver. I was blessed to read the article. —Jan Paulsen

The article that Elder Paulsen so kindly writes about was presented at last year’s Society of Adventist Philosophers meeting. See below for information on this year’s meeting, which will be held on November 16, 2023.

James J. Londis & Family Lecture delivered by Gary Chartier

(Distinguished Professor of Law and Business Ethics at La Sierra University)

Hermeneutics – What differentiates biblical hermeneutics from philosophical hermeneutics? Are they different at all? If so, how should they relate, and why? In what way has the history of the relationship informed us about how they ought to connect? Are there biblical philosophies? Is the bible philosophical? How is philosophical language different from or similar to theological language?

Theology vs. Philosophy – Do philosophy and theology concern distinct objects of critical investigation? Can a theologian do theology without philosophy? Can a philosopher reflect without appealing to theological categories (e.g. sin, revelation, providence, progress, etc.)? Is philosophy more fundamental than theology? Concerning knowledge of God, is philosophy sufficient without the datum of divine revelation? Is an atheistic or secular theology viable? Do these disciplines require different methodologies?

Ethics – Do philosophical ethics and theological ethics have distinct methodologies? What is the relationship between natural law and theology? Are there hidden theological assumptions in secular political philosophies and social movements? What makes a form of social criticism philosophical or theological?

This conference invites philosophers and theologians to engage the problem and promise of the relationship between the two disciplines, addressing how one might go about construing this relationship in a way that advances the work of one or both fields.

Submission Guidelines: Paper proposals should be at least 300 words and not exceed 1,000 words. The deadline for submission is 7/10/2023. Submissions should be sent to Paper length should not exceed 10 pages, double-spaced, or 3,000 words. Presenters will be allotted 20 minutes for their presentations. Additional time, as available, will be devoted to questions and discussion of presentations.


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