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It’s Time


Dear Friends,

“It’s time.”

That phrase carries so much weight in Adventist history. It was used in 1990 in Indianapolis to suggest that members of the Nominating Committee look past the incumbent, thus ending Neal Wilson’s presidency. Will that happen again in 2020?

Looking at the calendar, we also know it’s time for the October Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee, where the agenda will be set for the 2020 General Conference Session.

And that means it’s time for us to ask for your financial support. You make it possible for us to be at Annual Council observing the actions of the Executive Committee, talking to participants and staff, tweeting, writing, and bringing context to this important meeting.

The drama in recent years has been to see what new proposals the General Conference Administration would bring to the Executive Committee for approval. This year promises similar surprises. While there have been announcements that a new committee is working on a new statement about abortion, the actual statement itself has been shared with very few people. Even the committee that was gathered via phone to comment on the document was not allowed to have copies of it. It was read to them. At the end of the call, those gathered were told, “We’ve listened to what you said.”

How will anyone know whether or not they listened, and if any of the input effects change, if there are no independent journalists at the meeting in Silver Spring to report on what is being presented for a vote, how discussion is facilitated, and how voting is done?

With your support, we’ll be there, and we’ll share the details.

Please find time now to support Spectrum with a donation.

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Or, click here to view information on how to give by phone or through the mail.

With gratitude for what we have been able to accomplish together, and where we will go in the future,

Bonnie Dwyer

Spectrum Editor


P.S. Your support is particularly important this year, because Hurricane Dorian led to the cancellation of our Annual Conference, always an important fundraising time.


Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash


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