Volume 39, Issue 2, Spring 2011
2 In the Begininng Was the Word | BY BONNIE DWYER
3 Creation: the (Killer) Lesson Plan | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN
7 Looking for the Crux of the Matter in the Adventist Biology Education Debate | BY BONNIE DWYER
9 Texas Conference Constituents Reject Leaders Embroiled in Legal Controversy | BY JIGGS GALLAGHER
The Church and the City
14 A Calling to the City: Second Wind’s Urban Ministry in San Francisco | BY GREG NELSON
21 Can a Community Church be an Adventist Church at the Same Time? One Congregation’s Quest for Relevancy and Orthodoxy | BY TODD LEONARD
The Bible in Art and Literature
26 Reading the Bible Sculpture Series | BY ARTIST JOHN MCDOWELL
28 Reading the Bible Sculpture Series: An Interview with the Artist | BY JOHN MCDOWELL
30 The Newest Illuminated Bible: Fujimura’s The Four Holy Gospels | BY HEATHER LANGLEY
34 The Story of the English Bible | BY MELISSA BROTTON
37 “The Fortunate Fall” and Sixteenth-Century Culture | BY LORA GERIGUIS
41 In the Garden: The Bible and Nineteenth-Century Literature | BY MELISSA BROTTON
43 The Fall and Twentieth-Century Culture | BY SAM MCBRIDE
47 When What is True is Not Pure: Flannery O’Connor and the Logic of Redemption | BY RYAN BELL
52 New Tools for the People of the Book: Reviewing the Andrews Study Bible and the Remnant Study Bible | BY REINDER BRUINSMA
60 From Montevideo to the New Jerusalem: Herold Weiss’s Rediscovery of Apocalyptic | BY ROY BRANSON
62 Discovering Common Ground in The Lost World of Genesis One | BY BRENTON READING