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Landslides | Journey to LGBTQ Affirming Pt. 2


My relationship with God and my relationship with the church have often been very different. In part two of "Journey to Affirming Theology," I discuss particular junctures at which my experience and my beliefs were incongruent, and what happens at the crossroads. As someone who has grown up with an understanding of the church as a vehicle for humanitarian efforts—feeding the homeless, healing the sick, and helping the vulnerable among us—the Gospel and social justice have often been inextricably linked. But what happens when the questions of ethics are at crossroads with institutional idealisms? How can we begin to allow the questions of ethics to inform how we practice a faith that performs practical good in the world?

You can listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or below:

Imago Gei is a podcast brought to you by Kendra Arsenault, Spectrum, and SDA Kinship to share the latest on queer theology, stories, and a minority perspective on faith.


Kendra Arsenault, MDiv, is the host of the Imago Gei podcast and a graduate of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.

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How can we practice a faith that performs practical good in the world?

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