Vaughn Nelson: “Food Formations: The Perils and Promises of Adventist Eating” at Faith & Reason Sabbath School
(10:00 a.m. eastern / 9:00 a.m. central / 7:00 a.m. Pacific)
This Sabbath, Vaughn Nelson presents “Food Formations: The Perils and Promises of Adventist Eating.”
Adventists are known for their faith-centered approach to vegetarian food and a handful of abstentions, and this approach is usually framed in terms of health, disease prevention, and longevity (Blue Zones!). Vaughn asks if we "can imagine an ethics of Adventist eating that reaches beyond the notions of individual health and piety and connects personal formation to the formation of a better world? As growing conversations about the intersections of food with social and ecological justice begin to overlap with some traditional Adventist practices (especially plant-based eating), it's important to examine the ways in which Adventist eating might both contribute to and hinder these bold visions for food's role in social and ecological transformation."
Vaughn pastored for 14 years in the Southeastern California Conference (metro Loma Linda) alongside John Brunt and Trevan Osborn and others in our class and is currently a PhD candidate in practical theology at Boston University. His dissertation will explore everyday religious eating practices and their potential role in social justice and transformation.
Faith and Reason Sabbath School meets Sabbath, September 30, 10:00 am. Socializing starts at 9:30.
If you would like to attend this class via Zoom, email to request the link.
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