Sten LaBianca: “Adventism as a Faith for Today” at Faith & Reason Sabbath School
(10:00 a.m. eastern / 9:00 a.m. central / 7:00 a.m. Pacific)
This Sabbath Sten LaBianca presents on the topic “Adventism as a Faith for Today.” Using Appreciative Inquiry, Sten will suggest a positive vision of Adventism as a worldwide movement that works to create a more sustainable future for our planet. But Sten knows that “Adventists need to do some difficult reckoning with the faith of our fathers if the mission of Adventism is to include greater stewardship of our planet, even as we still hold on to the hope of a soon coming. The Sabbath is of course central to this re-visioning of Adventism, as is our health message, our worldwide educational work, and humanitarian outreach.” Sten recently retired as Professor of Anthropology and Associate Director of the Institute of Archeology at Andrews University.
Faith and Reason Sabbath School meets Sabbath, July 8, 10:00 am. Socializing starts at 9:30.
If you would like to attend this class via Zoom, email to request the link.
Upcoming Sabbaths:
July 15 James Hayward, Andrews University, “Life, Death, and the Economy of Nature”
July 29 “Festival of the Sabbath” with Martin Doblmeier, Director of the film SABBATH; Judy Fentress-Williams, Old Testament Theologian, Virginia Theological Seminary; Wallace C. Smith, Senior Pastor, Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington D.C.