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SDA Kinship: Gender for Geezers

(7:00 p.m. Eastern Time)

Topic: Gender for Geezers

A presentation from SDA Kinship


Do you sometimes feel like a linguistic Neanderthal? Are you confused by the terms post-sexual, non-binary, two-spirit, demisexual, and cisgender? Are you old enough that you once thought gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual were four words that covered all the continuum?

Would you like to talk about it in a safe place where we will not think we are stupid, be angry with ourselves while we learn, and yet want to know more about the people who form our community?

This chat is for you.

Our time will include lists of gender/relational terms (including but not limited to demisexual, intersex, pansexual, non-binary, cisgender, transsexual, transgender, post-sexual, polyamorous, bisexual (and all its permutations). We will touch on the nature and need for accurate pronouns. We will also address ways we can be gentle with ourselves if we are not up-to-date.

Format: Zoom – A bit of lecture and much discussion.
All Zoom participants are welcome to ask questions and contribute. Anyone and any age is welcome to attend.

Speaker: Catherine Taylor, LCSW, has been working with the gender community since 1995 and, more generally, with Kinship members since 1981. As part of her present-day therapy practice in southeastern Virginia she works with many pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults who are negotiating their understanding of themselves, as well as the attitudes of their parents, school communities, and ecclesiastical opinions.

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