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Sabbath Seminars March 16: Paleontology and the Reinvention of the Past

Loma Linda University Church Sabbath Seminars for March 16:  “Time Travel With A Shovel: Paleontology and the Reinvention of the Past” with paleontologist Kirk Johnson; Mailen Kootsey will moderate discussion. The group meets in the Centennial Complex Room 3208 each Sabbath Morning from 10:30-12:30 AM PST.

Kirk Johnson is the Sant Director of the Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution. Learn more about Kirk Johnson here: Wikipedia; Smithsonian; Smithsonian Magazine.

10:30:  Announcements and Introduction of Presenter
Opening Liturgy and Prayer
Presentation: Kirk Johnson
Open Discussion
12:30:  Closing Liturgy and after-class visiting

ZOOM link:

Today we begin a monthly tradition of POTLUCK! Bring your favorite dish for fellowship lunch after class.

Discussion guidelines:  The moderator will request those individuals (in class and on zoom) who wish to make a major point (3 minutes or less).  The moderator will then acknowledge you for a 3 minute major point/question, or for a 1 minute point/question on the present 3 minute subject.

Please respect these efforts by our class to increase participation and reduce individual dominance.   Please keep your discussion on topic and respectful and speak up so that those in the room as well as those on zoom can hear you.

Morning Worship Service is at 9 AM in the sanctuary.

Go to for the video feed of the 9 AM morning service, the current bulletin etc.

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