Re-Imagining the Woman’s “Curse”: Redemptive Readings of Genesis 3:16 – Queens College, CUNY
The Queens College (CUNY) Philosophy Department would like to invite you on May 8-9, 2024 to attend (virtually or in-person) a timely and groundbreaking colloquium around the difficult and contentious passage on the woman in Genesis 3:16.
For centuries, this passage has been used to oppress and dominate women. This colloquium will seek to excavate new readings and interpretations of this passage that redeem and liberate rather than oppress and enslave women.
This colloquium will gather together 14 world-class scholars/experts in the field who will present papers and discuss each other’s work. By joining our webinar, you will have a chance to “listen in” on their conversations and witness this pioneering event!
Please check out our conference website for the program and other information. The zoom links to the webinar are below: Re-Imagining the Woman’s “Curse”: Redemptive Readings of Genesis 3:16
Wednesday, May 8th (Day 1)
Thursday, May 9th (Day 2)