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LLUC Sabbath Seminars—The Adventist Christian Community in the 21st Century

(10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Pacific Time)

The Loma Linda University Church Sabbath Seminars class is hosting a series of discussions: “The Adventist Christian Community in the 21st Century.”

This week, we'll use the Richard Rice book Believing, Behaving, Belonging as a basic resource, but we'll stretch and distill themes beyond the book's emphasis, such as the Advent Community and The Just Community. Some of our best writers and thinkers will contribute as we seek to explore the church today.

Believing, Behaving, Belonging, Richard Rice, Association of Adventist Forums, 2002

Click here for instructions on how to sign up for the Zoom class.

Additional resources may be added for each presentation.

For an additional tool to study theology (as this is what we are doing in this series):

Thinking Theologically, Adventist Christianity and the Interpretation of Faith, Fritz Guy, Andrews University Press, 1999


Upcoming Discussions:

3/26/22: The Early Community: Small Community and RitualOlive Hemmings  Introduction, Chapters 1-3.

4/2/22: The Advent CommunityBill Shull  Chapters 4-6 (7,8)

4/9/22: The Just CommunityZack Plantak   Chapters (7,8) 9

4/16/22: The Celebrating CommunityMaury Jackson   Chapters 10, 11

4/23/22 – Panel.  The Intentional Community:  Where do we go from here?  – Gilbert Valentine,  Maury Jackson, Larry Downing  Chapters 13, 14

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