Faith and Reason Sabbath School May 25: “Reframing a Doctrine – Heppenstall Takes up The Task”
The Faith and Reason Sabbath School meets this Sabbath, May 25, at 10:00 AM. Socializing starts at 9:30 AM. Gilbert Valentine’s title is, “Reframing a Doctrine: Edward Heppenstall takes up the task.”
Valentine asks: “What lies behind our need to restate or revise our church doctrines? What are the dynamics involved in such theological development? When our doctrines change does it represent a move forward or a move backward? Is it a process of corruption, leading to apostasy or a process of discovery leading to deeper understanding?”
Gil Valentine says he’ll use Edward Hepppenstall, one of our most beloved theologians in the 1950’s and 60’s (some of us are old and lucky enough to have taken classes from him) as a case study in the dynamics of change. Valentine is a frequent class presenter and is currently working on a biography of Heppenstall.
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