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Faith and Reason Aug. 31: “Why the Adventist Church Resisted Equal Pay for Merikay Silver.”  

The Faith and Reason Sabbath School meets Sabbath, August 31, at 10:00 AM, Eastern. Socializing starts at 9:30.

This Sabbath Laura Wibberding’s title is “A Question of Rights: Why the Adventist Church Resisted Equal Pay for Merikay Silver.”  

Since the Church is a person-centered community, it shouldn’t surprise us that church crises are human-centered, too, and have a face and a name that grows larger than life. Davenport, Ford and Merikay. Now after fifty years, Laura takes another look at the Merikay court case that changed our church forever. How and why did we develop a wage scale that created such controversy and inequity in the first place? What were our religious and cultural biases against equal pay? How did the church’s First Amendment legal arguments create a second identity crisis for Adventism? Laura is Assistant Professor of History, and also chair of the History department at Pacific Union College. Besides being a member of our class, we love her as the playwright and director of Reformation dramas she has produced for us. 

Sept. 7   – John Brunt on loving and reading the Bible for the rest of us who are not Biblical scholars.

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