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Donald Casebolt at LLU Sabbath Seminars: “Father Miller’s Daughter”

Donald Casebolt, author of the recent book Father Miller’s Daughter: Ellen Harmon White, will give two presentations for the Loma Linda University Sabbath Seminars class on February 18. Both presentations can be attended in-person or online via Zoom.

Morning Session: Feb. 18: 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. PST, Donald Casebolt presentation, "Father Miller's Daughter," Sabbath Seminars class, LLU's Centennial Complex, room 3208; followed by a potluck at 1 p.m., same location.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 857 7042 3463

Passcode: 848972

Afternoon Session: Feb. 18: 2:00–4:00 p.m. PST, Donald Casebolt in conversation with Bill Shull about Father Miller's Daughter, Ellen Harmon White (Wipf and Stock, 2022), Sabbath Seminars class, LLU's Centennial Complex, room 3208.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 9212 7402

Passcode: 620662

About the book:

The crisis in Adventist eschatology is due to its reliance on Millerism’s faulty methodology and falsified prophetic predictions. Ellen White taught that Father Miller’s sole authority was Scripture and a concordance; that his interpretations were literal commonsense; and most importantly, that God had originated his date-setting conclusions by repeated angelic guidance. She announced that Miller was typological of John the Baptist; that Miller was a forerunner to Christ’s Second Advent as the Baptist was to his First. This book will document that these three misconceptions are falsified by primary sources from roughly 1835 to 1851. Miller was highly dependent on disconfirmed, centuries-old, historicist speculations; his interpretations were allegorical and arbitrary not literal; his falsified proofs obviously not of angelic origin. For example, Miller initially predicted the Parousia and fall of the Ottoman Empire for 1839. White also endorsed Snow, Joseph Turner, and Crozier, whom, she said, God had given “true light.” Post-Disappointment, these men continued using Miller’s allegorical-typological-historicist methods, and Ellen Harmon “was taught” by these men. About two centuries after “The Midnight Cry” and the “end-times” signs of 1755, 1780, and 1833, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s tenacious reliance on Millerite proofs makes its eschatology increasingly implausible.

Donald Edward Casebolt, who attended Seventh-day Adventist schools, including an MDiv Program at Andrews University, studied Semitic languages and Protestant theology one year at Eberhard Karls Universitat Tubingen, Germany, and spent two years in a doctoral program at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute. He published three articles in Spectrum relating to Ellen White's authority and interpretation of Scripture. He is a retired nurse practitioner.

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