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Daryl Ward: “Why We Matter: An Invitation to Conversation” at CZSS

(9:30 a.m. Pacific / 11:30 a.m. central / 12:30 p.m. eastern)

Daryl Ward will present "Why We Matter: An Invitation to Conversation" for the Choir Zoom Sabbath School at Pacific Union College on Saturday, July 1.

Daryl will discuss the question of human value, and what makes us matter to God and to each other, in this amazing universe. Do we simply matter because God made us? Do we have intrinsic value?

If you have time, you may wish to prepare for the discussion by reading this overview document.

Daryl earned a BA and MDiv from Andrews University. He studied at Tubingen University and earned a PhD in Systematic Theology from the University of Chicago. He spent 11 years working in the field of addiction treatment and 12 years as a Senior Fellow of the Ethics Resource Center of Washington, DC. In 2002 he joined the faculty of Kettering College where he was Professor of Theology and Ethics for 19 years. He has just celebrated the 49th anniversary of his marriage to Adele Waller, a retired health information and technology lawyer. He is the grateful companion to Buckley, his yellow Labrador Retriever.

Zoom link:

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