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CZSS Sept. 7: “Who Is the Angry God of the Old Testament?”

The Choir Zoom Sabbath School meets this Saturday, September 7, 9:30 – 10:45 AM, Pacific. Jean Sheldon will present “Who Is the Angry God of the Old Testament?”

She says, “Last time I presented, we discussed punishments done by people to other people in the first few books of the Bible. The most natural next step would be to discuss violence said to be done by God Himself. But there is an intermediary step that I think we should deal with next: Who Is the Angry God of the Old Testament? The answer may surprise you.”

After teaching as a religion professor at Pacific Union College for twenty-five years, Jean Sheldon became semi-retired and began teaching Old Testament as an adjunct professor for PUC. She has just completed her fourth year in that role. She holds a Joint Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Religions from The University of California with the Graduate Theological Union, both in Berkeley California. Her dissertation was entitled, The Book of Job as Hebrew Theodicy: An Ancient Near Eastern Intertextual Conflict between Law and Cosmology. 

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