Choir Zoom Sabbath School 09/23/23: Unwrapping the Nativity Stories
WHAT: Choir Zoom Sabbath School
WHEN: Sabbath, Dec. 23, 09:30 AM PST (12:30 PM Eastern)
WHERE: Via Zoom:
MEETING ID: 850 4092 2192
This Sabbath, Dec. 23, 2023, Dr. Ross Winkle will lead the Choir Zoom Sabbath School, hosted by Pacific Union College. Dr. Winkle’s topic will be “Unwrapping the Nativity Stories: Intriguing Traditions, Surprising Treasures”.
Dr. Winkle has taught in the Theology department at PUC since 2005, as chair from 2014-2022. He received his undergraduate education at Walla Walla College and his master’s degree at Andrews University. After one year of chaplaincy and about 13 years of pastoring in Oregon, he began work on his PhD in New Testament studies at Andrews under the direction of Jon Paulien.
His dissertation was on clothing imagery in Revelation 1 as a role-related indicator of the high priestly status of Jesus. He has presented academic papers at major biblical studies conferences in Austria, Italy, Poland, Scotland, Türkiye, and the United States.
Currently he is finishing co-writing a commentary on 1 Peter for the new Seventh-day Adventist commentary series and co-editing a conference volume from the 2021 Adventist Society for Religious Studies annual meeting in San Antonio on the theme of theology and ecology in the age of the (COVID-19) pandemic.