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Asheville Adventist Forum Presents Art Slagle

The Asheville Adventist Forum presents:

“Assessing and Explaining the Severe Issues Currently Confronting the Adventist Church” with Art Slagle.

Saturday, January 19, 2019, at 2:30 p.m.

Because of the current crisis that is enveloping the Adventist Church, we have chosen to have an extra meeting this month, on January 19 at 2:30 p.m. Our speaker will be Art Slagle, who has been on the staff of the Chaplaincy Department of the North American Division for over six years (see his bio below), and is therefore well acquainted with the issues and tensions facing the Church. He will, after his presentation, answer questions and lead the Forum members in discussion.

Given the nature of the topic, I remind everyone that it is the policy of the Forum to address issues pertinent to us and our church, to discuss absolutely openly, but to totally avoid personal attacks and displays of anger.

About the Speaker:

Arthur M. Slagle, Lieutenant Commander, Chaplain Corps, USN, RET and Assistant Director, Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, Southeast

Arthur Slagle, the second of twin boys was raised in the South Bronx, in an Orthodox Jewish home. In 1966 he followed his brother and joined the Marine Corps, where he served in Vietnam 1967-68. He was introduced to the SDA Church by Rebecca Patchin, RN. He was given a copy of Steps to Christ, which opened the door to learn about a more personal relationship with God.

In June 1970 he completed his Judaism by being immersed in the mikvah. In September of that year he left active duty as a Marine and within a week, he arrived on the campus of Walla Walla College to study Theology. This was the beginning a journey of 48 years in ministry. Thanks to Dr. Rebecca Patchin, now a physician at Loma Linda, God has richly blessed his life.

Chaplain Slagle has served the North American Division as the Field Representative for all chaplaincy within the Southern Union since May 2012. Prior to that he was the Director, Pastoral Care at Park Ridge Hospital in Fletcher, North Carolina, 2003-2012. His ministry also includes twenty-one years as a Navy-Marine Corps Chaplain, six years as a United States Marine, three years teaching in the Potomac Conference and eight years pastoring in the Greater New York Conference.

He is a graduate of Walla Walla College, Andrews University School of Graduate Studies, and he did post graduate work at Andrews University Theological Seminary, The Catholic University of America, Columbia Union College and the United States International University.  

Chaplain Slagle has the responsibility of assisting, mentoring, training and recruiting potential chaplains with the goal of assisting them to become endorsed by Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries. Chaplaincy today includes, military chaplaincy, healthcare, campus, correction, law enforcement, fire and rescue, and community (Civil Air Patrol), Secret Service and FBI. There are currently 155 endorsed chaplains in the Southern Union.

Location: the Asheville Adventist Forum meetings are held very close to downtown, in the dental office of Dr. Dennis Campbell: 

172 Asheland Ave
Asheville, NC 28801

For further information, please contact Dr. Ron Lawson by phone at (828) 552-3072 or by email at

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