Asheville Adventist Forum: Maury Jackson
Asheville Adventist Forum: Maury Jackson
Please note that this meeting of the Asheville Adventist Forum will be held via Zoom. If you wish to be part of this meeting, please send an email saying so to Connie at by the night of Wednesday, January 27, 2021. She will send you the password and link that you will need to log into the meeting. Please log in a few minutes before starting time. If you have friends who would be interested in this topic and whom you wish to introduce to the Forum chapter, please send their names and email addresses to Connie. It is likely that we will have some people attending from far and wide, which makes Zoom meetings so interesting.
Date & Time:
Sabbath, January 30, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern
“‘We Have Cured Babylon, but She is Not Healthy’: The Role of Grace in Church Discipline”
At the heart of the investigation are certain questions that arise when disciplinary action is imposed: “Who benefits from disciplinary actions? The individual disciplined? The ones/group administering the discipline?” Should we applaud members who impose their own discipline and should we seek to release them from it when we deem it sufficient? Can a local pastor discipline a whole congregation, when it acts disgracefully, or must this come from the larger judicatory, conference, diocese, or convention? And who disciplines the larger judicatory, conference, diocese, or convention? Given these questions, let’s explore the role of grace, in church discipline.
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Maury Jackson is the Associate Dean of the HMS Richards Divinity School at La Sierra University, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, chair of the Pastoral Studies Department, and also an adjunct instructor of Ethics for Loma Linda University School of Religion. He was ordained to the Christian ministry on June 2, 2001 at the Lancaster Adventist Church. Formerly, he served as adjunct assistant professor of philosophy for the Antelope Valley College, in Lancaster, California and he worked for the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as pastor in the Lancaster Adventist Church and the Ojai Valley Adventist Church. He teaches courses in homiletics, poimenics, and ethics.
Dr. Jackson has traveled Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Central and North America, and the South Pacific Islands as an Adventist World Radio pastor, evangelist, and a contemporary Christian music recording artist with The Jackson family. A graduate of La Sierra University, Andrews University, California State University Los Angeles, and Claremont School of Theology, he received the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Religion, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Philosophy, and Doctor of Ministry.
For further information contact Connie Hayward, 828-693-1105 (h), 828-388-1575 (c),
Ron Lawson may be contacted at