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Asheville Adventist Forum Apr. 27: “Representation, Race, and Nomenclature – Challenges Surrounding Whiteness”

The Asheville Adventist Forum meets this Sabbath, April 27 at 3:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Greg Hoenes presents “Representation, Race, and Nomenclature: Challenges Surrounding Whiteness.”

This study examines representation of white persons primarily through the lens of social construction and the ways in which the nomenclature reflects the challenges of Whiteness itself. Attention is given to the disappearance of White Adventists in urban settings across America, and offers insights into why this may be happening. The key question is one of mission and representation: What does it look like to reach out to Whiteness? and is it time for representation for White persons in light of declining numbers in our ecclesiastical setting?

Speaker: Gregory L. Hoenes is a pastor, administrator, academician, and teacher wrapping up a nine-year stint as West Region Director, Southern California Conference. He serves as an adjunct professor of Pastoral Studies at La Sierra University.

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