Adugnaw Worku: “‘I Once Was Blind, but Now I See’: An Update from Ethiopia” at CZSS
(9:30 a.m. Pacific / 11:30 a.m. central / 12:30 p.m. eastern)
Adugnaw Worku will present “‘I Once Was Blind, but Now I See’: An Update from Ethiopia” for the Choir Zoom Sabbath School at Pacific Union College on Saturday, September 30. He returns to the class with an update on the work he and the Zoz Amba foundation have been doing in Ethiopia since last Christmas.
Adugnaw Worku grew up in rural Ethiopia and did not attend first grade until he was fifteen, but he eventually earned two master’s degrees from Andrews University and a third from the University of Southern California in library and information science. He was the faculty head of Pacific Union College’s library for years (albeit under protest) and is now living in retired bliss in Angwin. His work to improve the lives of those in and around his natal village is remarkable.
If you are new to Choir Room Sabbath School and don't know Adu's story, here is a link to a review of his autobiography, The Restless Shepherd. Better yet, you can buy his book here.
Zoom link: