Addressing Addiction Stigma in Healthcare: A Conversation
(12:00 p.m. Pacific / 2:00 a.m. central / 3:00 p.m. eastern)
George Christison and Randall Walker will present at Bioethics Grand Rounds on Monday, October 30. The program is supported by the Loma Linda University Center for Christian Bioethics.
Objectives Include:
1. Explore the different kinds of stigma patients with a substance-use disorder face.
2. Understand how stigma impacts the clinician-patient relationship in healthcare settings.
3. Learn practical ways to address stigmatizing attitudes and experiences.
Bioethics Grand Rounds meets from 12:00–1:00 p.m. at the A-level Amphitheater of Loma Linda University Medical Center or via Zoom. Registration not required. For additional information, please contact or ext. 44956.
Zoom Meeting:
ID: 999 7470 1633
Passcode: 276972