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AAW: Ministering in Uncertain Times

Do you feel like leading just isn’t your thing? Do you have too much on your plate already to add leadership, too? Are you wary of leading when things are so uncertain?

If leadership is defined as influencing others, all Christians are called to lead. The Association of Adventist Women (AAW), in partnership with the Loma Linda University Church, has put together a series of six Sabbath vespers programs addressing leadership called Finding Purpose in Uncertain Times.

AAW’s new president, Nerida Taylor Bates, MD, PhD, brings women speakers from Africa, Australia, Europe, and the United States to share their combined expertise. The goal of this conference is to inspire women by sharing ways that women are serving God in different parts of the world during the uncertain times of COVID-19.

Beginning on October 10 and continuing through November 14, this conference is planned as a series of Sabbath evening vespers programs, broadcast live from Loma Linda University Church and available on-demand for vespers time zones around the world.

The vespers programs focus on advice for people leading during uncertain times. See below for the schedule of events with topics and participant information. Visit the Association of Adventist Women website for more information. Join online as each event is broadcast live at 5 p.m. (Pacific) or watch the recorded event on-demand.

October 24: Ministering in Uncertain Times (Featuring Adventist Female Pastors of Africa Conference and The Sabbath Sofa Project)

Speaker: Sandra Roberts, DMin, President, Southeastern California Conference of SDA

Facilitator: Hyveth Williams, DMin, Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, Andrews University Seminary

Panel: Bev Maravilla, MA, Associate Pastor, Family, Children Ministries, La Sierra University Church; Marianne Dyrud, MA, Co-President Norway Union; Lola Moore Johnston, MDiv, Woodbridge Church, Bloom Conference

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