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Time is the tide that daily takes a barque of life

afloat through darkest night to brightest dawn.

Along the journey waves may surge up high,

or writhing, fearsome creatures can appear

yet flee away, swirled afar by strong serenity

because the sailor reads the map and sextant

and trusts the flaming orb that sets the course.


There is a place along a river voyage, twenty-four

plus more hours away, where mighty sluice gates

open wide at dusk when comes a certain weekly eve.

The higher flow then takes a pilgrim to tranquility,

a place to be, where thirst is satisfied enough to share.

Only they who know the harbour master find its peace

and are renewed to sail again to oceans of infinity.


New Zealand born Mary Trim, who writes as Marye Trim, has a PhD in English Literature (Loughborough, UK, 1998) and studied journalism at the University of Queensland, Australia. She has authored five published books and hundreds of inspirational articles, stories and poems and was a newspaper columnist for nine years, while also working as missionary teacher in India and Thailand. She feels called to writing ministry and sees herself as akin to those “Out of Zebulon, they who handle the pen of the writer” (Judges 5:14).

Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels.


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