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Boxes, bags, books; pictures, pots, pans:

STUFF, moved house to house, street to street,

town to town, state to state, county to county,

continent to continent. Yes, Lord, I come.

All things of beauty, items of use,

though Harrods’ big bear with red tartan scarf

sits musing, ‘Why did she bring THAT?’


Sarah packed stuff into bundles for camels:

tent, beans, oil; dates, clothes and fans…

Slow travel on sand, sun blazing down —

and Abraham. Yes, Lord, we come.


Enoch and Elijah travelled lighter,

in simplicity, trust: ‘Our Father’s house

awaits, many mansions. Hallelujah.’

Forerunners of multitudes who some day

will make final move. Inevitable. Yes, lord,

come soon, raise us up. O joy, no baggage!


New Zealand born Mary Trim, who writes as Marye Trim, has a PhD in English Literature (Loughborough, UK, 1998) and studied journalism at the University of Queensland, Australia. She has authored five published books and hundreds of inspirational articles, stories and poems and was a newspaper columnist for nine years, while also working as missionary teacher in India and Thailand. She feels called to writing ministry and sees herself as akin to those “Out of Zebulon, they who handle the pen of the writer” (Judges 5:14).

Photo by Fabien Bazanegue on Unsplash


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