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Revelation Needed



Sevens upon sevens

Threes upon threes

Tipped cups and emptied bowls

Drip dripping

Cascading cataclysms too many

For one tilting planet

Edging ‘round the sun.




How long, Oh, Lord,

Till evil is destroyed by beauty

From your throne?




Those four and twenty elders

Bend and lower

Bend and lower

Sure that you are worthy of the

Glory and power you express

And the honor and praise they offer.


But, today,

On behalf of the white multitude

Trapped beneath your altar,

Angling for an intake of air,

I beseech you:


Room is running out;

Time is running out.


Babylon’s instant glory may be

Dollar store quality,

But passing pleasures that ride on beasts

Have heft.

The word and His testimony

Float in the air.


Come down and lie with us here,

Between the still warm bodies

Of those who love you, sight unseen.

Your sacrifice is growing old.

We need a fresh taste of your blood,

And the wheaten body broken for us.


Oh, Lamb of God,

The spotless Lamb of God.


Cristina Williams has been jotting down her thoughts since she was eight years old. Just about as long, she has been kept awake at night by visions of "the end times" playing out in her head. Poetry is helping her to cope with the current state of the world and make sense of the legacy of Adventism on her soul.

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash


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