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A thousand thanks to our readers (and a contest!)

The Spectrum Blog just recorded its millesimal comment today. Woohoo!
I’d like to thank those who just visit and read and those who comment too. It looks like Jim Miles was the thousandth. It’s great to be among those who entertain and challenge views that
I’d also like to acknowledge the expanding Adventist blogosphere. If you’ve read Ellen White’s Spiritual Gifts Vol
II its clear that Adventism comes from a community-based tradition
of free-wheeling spiritual exploration. Since 1968 the Adventist Forum
has sought to continue that community-building through conversation.
It’s been wonderful to see more and more Adventists not just interested
in pounding out the prolix, but advocating present truth. 
As we move forward and continue to hone our personal beliefs, let us
speak out and encourage more action by our local church, NAD, and GC
leadership. Whether one reads Genesis literally, contextually, or
rarely, there’s no doubt that Jesus preached a politically-risqué
message of peace, economic justice, inclusion, and that he acted and died to heal
body and spirit for all. Individually we all fall short; together we are the body of Christ today.   
In the Spring, the Adventist Forum will be engaging in an
expansion of our entire web offering.  If you have ideas, critiques, or
would like to post something brilliantly provocative, let us know. 
alexander [at]
Onward and upward to two thousand. . .
With deep appreciation to you,
Alexander Carpenter

In celebration, I’m offering three FREE one-year subscriptions to the
Spectrum journal. $40 value each. Email me a
poignant paragraph (to be published on the blog) expressing what you’d change about Adventism.
The three short essays (less than 200 words) that I select (based on critical whim) will win a subscription. Deadline: Friday (1/19) midnight PST. Include your name and mailing address. alexander [at] 
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