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Help Support Independent Adventist Journalism


Dear Readers,

When the Adventist Forum first published Spectrum in the winter of 1969, the goal was simple: to foster community within the Adventist faith. The mission statement that appeared on the inside cover of that inaugural issue read as follows:

SPECTRUM is a journal established to encourage Seventh-day Adventist participation in the discussion of contemporary issues from a Christian viewpoint, to look without prejudice at all sides of a subject, to evaluate the merits of diverse views, and to foster Christian intellectual and cultural growth.

Almost 50 years later, that mission is still going strong. And that is thanks to you, our readers.

Our commitment to bringing forward voices and perspectives within the Adventist community that you may not hear elsewhere is a top priority, made possible by you.

Our breaking news stories and live coverage of Seventh-day Adventist conferences and General Conference, Division, and Union business meetings, among other events is made possible by you.

It is your commitment that makes independent Adventist journalism a reality. You read our stories, you share them with friends and family, you respond and dialogue with us, and you give financially. Your dedication inspires us and we thank God for your support. We would not be here without you.

This Giving Tuesday, we invite you, our readers, to give a gift to help sustain Spectrum and our goal of providing you with the news and perspectives you value. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, it has been your support that kept our mission going every year, every day, and every hour of these past five decades, and with your help, we can keep going for another five (and more!).

Large or small, your financial gift today is critical to sustaining Spectrum now and into the future. Every gift truly does make a difference.

Here are four ways you can further the mission of Spectrum today:

1. Donate Online. Click here to go to our secure donation page.

2. Call Our Office at (916) 774-1080. Please have your credit card information ready and our editorial assistant Linda will be happy to receive your gift. (Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. PST.)

3. Mail a Check to Spectrum, P.O. Box 619047, Roseville, CA 95661-9047 (and put "Giving Tuesday" in the memo).

4. Donate Securely via Paypal. Click the Donate button below. (The page will say "Association of Adventist Forum.") You do NOT need a Paypal account in order to give via Paypal.


Every gift is tax-deductible and you will be sent a receipt once your donation is received.

We are deeply grateful to this community of readers who believe in the importance of independent Adventist journalism. From all of us at Spectrum and the Adventist Forum, thank you!


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