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I Am Not “The Church”


I Am Not “The Church”


I am not “the church”

Looking down my nose

At the cheese on the potluck dish.


I am not “the church”

Hands raised in collective vote

Excluding those in need


I am not “the church”

Venom dripping like maple syrup

Sharing news of yet another pastoral transition


I am not “the church”

Casting arrows of orders at helpless

Ministers of education and pastoral care



I am not “that church”

Albeit Adventist in name

Yet, institutional in practice


No — instead…


I am a member of a community in need

Of love and acceptance

Of collective conscience that speaks

On behalf of the voiceless, helpless, and searching


For I have found

Rest in His seventh day,

Hope in His second coming

Forgiveness in His Blood

Restoration in His sanctuary


And so, I seek to share,

The good news of my treasure

To my community in need


For I am called

Not as a slave to an institution

But to serve Him

Who first loved me


Rebekah Helbley is a wife, mother, and school principal living in Marietta, Georgia.  She finds great joy seeing her students flourish in faith and learning.  

Photo by Isaac Ordaz on Unsplash


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