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Spectrum Top 12 of 2012: Open Letters


Spectrum’s most commented-on story in 2012 was “Open Letter to Ted Wilson From Your Hebrew Teacher,” by Leona Running, with 782 comments as of Friday, Dec. 14, 2012.

This isn’t the first time Spectrum has featured letters to prominent Adventist leaders, or provided thoughtful commentary on women’s ordination. In 1990, Roy Branson, former editor of Spectrum, published “An Open Letter to the Southeastern California Conference President,” who was Steve Gifford at the time. Gifford formerly supported the ordination of women to ministry, but changed his position only four months later.

Read Branson’s full article here (begins on p.2) for his response to Gifford’s actions, in Spectrum‘s new online archives. Thank you for being patient while the page loads.

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