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New Feature: Three Angles News


During Sabbath lunch after the Adventist Society for Religious Studies meetings in Chicago, Roy Branson, a Spectrum founder, mentioned how much he appreciates the news and opinion aggregation sites dealing with American politics.

Although we’re a small organization, I was inspired to try to aggregate news a little more on Spectrum. I think we can add to our daily output and post three links to articles involving Adventism. But that’s only part of it because I’d like to experiment further with crowdsourcing in our community. Since we can’t cover every news item, I’d like to invite you, dear reader, to include links in the comments to other important news about Adventism. I’d like Spectrum to be the best place online to learn and converse about Adventism. I’m going to call this new feature “Three Angles News” since I’ll start it with around three news angles on Adventism each day, (that is until I hear too many complaints about the title).

1. Ghanaian press covers Ted Wilson’s visit to the country.

2. Loma Linda University Medical Center Physician Honored by March of Dimes.

3. Humbug! Seventh-day Adventist conscientious objectors in WWII standing before the Mobilization Board” by Barry Bussey.

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