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Coffin takes on the FL conference

By Alexander Carpenter
Go read Pastor Jim Coffin’s brilliant essay over on the Spectrum web site. Here’s a couple of salient quotes just so you know what you’re in for.
. . .the Florida Conference administration recently
announced that it’s now a condition of employment for pastors,
teachers, departmental directors, and other designated personnel to
send their K-12 children to Adventist schools. (In so doing, the
Florida Conference is following the practice of numerous other
conferences throughout North America, administrators say.) Exceptions
will be granted only if the conference administration concurs. . .

The new ruling seems to imply that (a) the
commitment of the employees is suspect, or that (b) the judgment of the
employees is suspect, or that (c) the stated goal of Adventist
education is suspect, or (d) all of the above. Whatever the rationale,
however, employees won’t be allowed to decide for themselves what’s
best for their own children. Not and stay employed, at least.

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