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Giving Thanks


It's Thanksgiving in the United States today, my third as the Spectrum Website's managing editor, and I want to share my thanks today.

I'm grateful for all the staff members who make this website what it is through original reporting, curating the news, editing and posting timely, thoughtful articles and providing website development and maintenance. Thank you, web team members. I'm grateful for you.

I'm grateful for contributors, columnists and guest writers, whose articles and news stories make this website a reliable source for the best in Adventism. Thank you, contributors. I'm grateful for you.

I'm grateful for readers, who value being informed and connected, who share articles on social media and in print, and who hold us to high standards of honesty and openness. Thank you, readers. I'm grateful for you.

I'm grateful for those who comment, turning articles into conversations in ways both forseeable and unanticipated. You provide valuable feedback to writers and valuable community to one another. Thank you, commenters, I'm grateful for you.

I'm grateful for all Spectrum's financial supporters, from the members of the board to the organizations that have provided generous donations, from the thousands of subscribers to the journal to all who have made donations of all amounts. Your generosity sustains us. Thank you, supporters. I'm grateful for you.

Finally, I'm grateful for the Adventist Church, the faith community into which I was born, where I received my education, and which has provided lifelong friends and mentors. It has been a rough patch recently for Adventism as the church struggles to sort out what it will be. And yet that tension of a people simultaneously being and becoming is, perhaps oddly, what I appreciate most. Thank you, Adventist Church. I'm grateful for you.

I wish all of you a cheerful Thanksgiving best, with gratitude for the unique thing we have created all together. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jared Wright,
Managing Editor

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