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News Headlines: Solomon Islands Church Torn Down (And More!)


Adventist Church Torn Down in Solomon Islands. Seventh-day Adventists on Anuta Island in the Solomon Islands have been ordered to leave for disobeying the local chiefs.  Members began building a sanctuary after being advised that they could only worship in their homes.  The building was destroyed. From Solomon Star News, “Church ordered out.”

SAU Updates Sexual Misconduct Policy. Southern Adventist University has updated its sexual misconduct policy, adding a leniency clause that may or may not encourage a student victims to report incidents of sexual abuse.  Former Seventh-day Adventist pastor Ryan Bell explores the issues facing SAU and other colleges coping with government guidelines. From Huffington Post, “Leniency or Amnesty for Victims of Campus Sexual Violence? The Role of Religion.”

Andrews U. Student Sings at Habitat Benefit. Alicia Dent, a first-year Andrews University student, will sing at a Habitat for Humanitys benefit concert in Detroit.  She will open the concert featuring Take 6, the ten-time Grammy Award-winning vocal group.  Dent is studying music performance at Andrews University. From Andrews University, “Student Musician to Open for Take 6.”

Ben Carson Discusses His Adventist Faith. Presidential hopeful Dr. Benjamin Carson has begun fielding questions about his Adventist faith after incindiary remarks he made about Islam. CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson explores the intersection of Carson’s faith and politics, noting that Carson considers himself “not a real religious person.” From CNN, “Inside Ben Carson’s Religious Faith.”


Pam Dietrich taught English at Loma Linda Academy for 26 years and served there eight more years as the 7-12 librarian. She lives in Redlands, CA.

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